MCLE270 Strength of Materials  (3, 2)4:
Equilibrium of deformable body, normal and shear stress, bearing stress, allowable stress, factor of safety, deformation. Normal and shear strain, the tension test, Hooke's law, Poisson's ratio. Elastic deformation of axially loaded members, principle of superposition, statically indeterminate axially loaded members, thermal stress. The torsion formula, power tranmission. Statically indeterminate torque-loaded members. Shear and moment diagrams, the flexure formula. Bending of composite beams, stress concentrations, eccentric axial loading. Shear stresses in beams, shear flow in built-up members. Stress transformation, Mohr's circle. Plane strain, Mohr's circle, failure criteria. Stress caused by combined loading. Elastic curve, slope and displacement. strain energy for normal stress, shearing stress and general state of stress, work and energy under single and several loads, Catigliano's theorem.  [Prerequisite(s): CVLE221, CVLE224]