MLE372 Machine Elements II (3, 1)3: This course is based on Machine Elements I and the theories and concepts given there. Design of machine elements, however, relies on almost all the subjects covered uptodate, such as mathematics, physics, statics, dynamics, strength of materials and similar. Course starts with mechanical springs and design of helical springs for different type of loadings; and continues with antifriction bearings; lubrication, lubricants and sliding bearings; nomenclature of gears, kinematics, force and stress analysis of gears and gear systems; design and selection of spur gears, helical gears, worm gears; belt and chain drives; brakes and clutches. Students are requred to complete a design project and submit a project report, either individually or as a team. [Prerequisite: MCLE371]
- Eğitimci: Humphery Adun
- Eğitimci: Erbil Akbil