This course provides an introduction to ‘Knowledge Management Systems’ which includes the knowledge management strategies, knowledge valley theory, innovation, big data and recent methods used for strategic management of organizations. It also provides knowledge management systems to increase organizational performance and the quality of knowledge work. Knowledge Management Systems requires foundation knowledge in knowledge accumulation and knowledge transfer, thus this course will review models for knowledge capacity. In this course, students will be able to learn the ways to improve the value chain and classify the companies according to their knowledge management systems structure. Furthermore, students will be able to categorize and discuss the knowledge management systems, criticize the concept of intellectual capital and compare factors that stop innovation.

On completion of this course the student will be able to:

• Understand the importance of Knowledge Management (KM) and Information Systems (IS) for growing organizations
• Use KM tools and IS in order to evaluate the companies
• Describe the barriers and catalyzers of innovation
• Analyze the potential areas for growth via effective use of IS
• Discuss and evaluate the recent topics related within the field such as big data, artificial intelligence and internet of things