Fundamental principles of production engineering and fundamental elements of production systems. Drill stem testing, well completion methods, completion fluids and sand control. Perforating, well head equipment and flow control devices, production packers, oil and gas separators. Flowing well performance, sucker rod pumping, submersible electrical centrifugal pumping, well stimulation techniques; acidizing, hydraulic fracturing. The aim of this course is to provide familiarization of the principles and applications of various theories and techniques necessary to design, estimate and maximize production performance in a cost effective manner within various constraints from the oil and gas well systems. Attempts will be made to understand how these techniques could be applied in a practical field development project to identify the best way of exploiting petroleum reserves, as well as maximizing ultimate production. This course will address details of reservoir inflow performance, well flowing performance, design of artificial lift systems, familiarization of petroleum production facilities, and analysis and optimization of total petroleum production systems using conventional and nodal analysis. Students will also be given opportunity to apply these theories and methods through numerical problem based exercises and practical project assignments. The project assignment may require the use of a commercial simulator.
- Trainer/in: Abdullah Iscan
- Trainer/in: Mustafa Ozyurtkan
- Trainer/in: Fikret Terzi
- Trainer/in: Okan Yardimci