This course provides comprehensive information about food chemistry and analysis, without categorizing foods according to their names, according to the basic nutrients they contain: At the end of the course, the student will learn the physical and chemical properties of the macro elements and other components in the structure of the food, the physical and chemical reactions that affect the quality of the food, learns the principles of related fundamental analysis. Water chemistry, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, essential elements in foods, structure - classification, properties, qualitative and quantitative tests of proteins and fats.
While the structure of enzymes, their classification, the factors affecting enzyme activity, their presence in foods and their use in the food industry, and the substances that give flavor, taste and odor are given theoretically, the aforementioned subjects are studied in the laboratory.
Determining the nutritional status and nutritional habits of the society, raising awareness and education of the individual and the society on adequate and balanced nutrition and health, development of nutrition education programs/materials for special groups. Examining the methods and techniques (clinical, anthropometric, biochemical, biophysical, food consumption research, ecological factors, mortality and morbidity statistics) used in determining the nutritional status of the individual and society. Detailed examination of community nutrition and nutritional epidemiology, clinical methods and determination of nutritional status. Community nutrition, nutritional epidemiology and methods of determining nutritional status, nutritional anthropometry, clinical symptoms, biophysical methods, biochemical and hematological methods, health statistics; age-specific mortality and morbidity rates, food consumption studies, determination of ecological factors.
- Enseignant: Seliz Bagcilar
- Enseignant: Adacha Kwala
Definitions and concepts related to nutrition education, principles of education, different teaching techniques, audio-visual tools, education plan, evaluation, applications, new approaches in education, education principles, basic features of adult and child education, basic principles in pregnant and lactating mother education, obesity and thinness. Behavior modification method developed for those with body weight management problems such as, in-service training programs for staff working in nutrition services, considerations in developing training programs to raise awareness of the society on nutrition, examples of nutrition education programs used in other countries.
Patient rights, history and anamnesis, determination of nutritional status, evaluation of body composition and other tests, treatment and follow-up, evaluation and restructuring of the program, approach to the client, education principles, methods, methods, counseling to adults, counseling to children, counseling to institutions, counseling to athletes It covers community counseling issues.
- Enseignant: Ayse Okan
- Enseignant: Salih Angin
- Enseignant: Seyit Mercanligil