1. Understand key rules in relation to witness examination and have a good grasp of the role of examination in chief and cross-examination.
2. Revisit the concepts of unfavourable and hostile witnesses.
3. Theoretically discuss the place of corroboration and situations where corroboration is required.
4. Learn and be able to apply different requirements in relation to corroboration and corroboration warnings.
5. Be able to theoretically grasp the importance of rape complainants’ evidence.
6. Be able to determine whether certain evidence falls into the category of “hearsay”.
7. Learn the general rule and exceptions of the rule concerning hearsay evidence.
8. Understand the changes in law concerning hearsay and be able to apply the current rules in relation to admissible hearsay evidence.
9. Learn the general rule and exceptions of the rule concerning opinion evidence.
10. Understand and apply the rules surrounding expert opinion evidence