SOWO 517 Anti Oppressive and Anti Discriminative Social Work
This course will introduce a range of diverse populations by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and physical differences. Additionally, students will examine the role, function, and effects of oppression in society as it relates to social and economic justice. Assumptions underlying theory and research methodologies from which basic constructs of human behavior are drawn will be examined to understand how power and other dynamics manage and sustain oppression at the individual and institutional levels. The course focuses on theories that address conditions that create social, economic, and political injustice. Attention is given to analyzing the causes and consequences of oppression on persons and groups. Theories and practice models related to social, economic, and political injustice with attention to persons and groups affected by oppression. Also of interest here is how oppression affects service delivery at micro and macro levels, particularly social policies and strategic planning which drive the shape of services.
This course will include the following topical (content) areas: 1. Anti-oppressive Social Work Practice 2. Theoretical approaches to understand and confront oppression 3. Anti-oppressive social work skills