As communication has developed in terms of both theory and practice, separate specialties and departments within organizations were created: employee communication, public relations and public affairs, advertising and marketing, audiovisual media, training and development, event and meeting planning, and information systems. These separate “islands of communication” have grown and moved further apart, often resulting in fragmented, redundant, or even contradictory communication programs and messages. This can lead to information overload, a loss of credibility, and wasted resources. As organizations are attempting to “re-engineer” and strive to become “learning organizations”, communication professionals employ new integrated communication approaches. All communication to the audience can be integrated and aligned. This course attempts to investigate the current situation in the new corporate communications and societal changes.

This course will investigate a range of media texts and discourses in order to understand the ways in which gender and sexuality are reproduced, negotiated and deployed in the media context. The course will focus on a range of work in feminist media theory and some of the readings will be works by Margaret Gallager, Liesbet van Zoonen, Tania Modleski, David Morley, David Connell, and Rosalind Gill among others. The course will help students to analyze media texts in relation to representation of gender in different genres of media.

This course is designed to study, in the context of ground text; what is critical theory and how it is being analyzed in today's world by different approaches. In that respect, the texts those philosophers will be examined such as Marx, Nietzsche, Fromm, Marcuse, Adorno and Habermas.

This course will consider the history, theory and aesthetics of the documentary, both on film and on television. We will examine the tools and techniques available to documentary filmmakers, and consider the different ways in which they have been used to represent reality. The course will also address the political dimensions of documentary production, including propaganda, and will ask whether objectivity is possible within the form.

This course addresses the emergence of internet technology from a cultural perspective, placing this new medium in a historical context and examining its relationships to older media forms. Students will also consider some of the political, social and economic debates which relate to the production and consumption of internet culture, including surveillance and privacy, the ‘digital divide’, the ‘disruption’ of traditional industries, questions of the psychological impact of internet use, and the capacity of the internet to effect political change. Finally, the course will consider whether the existing theoretical models which scholars use to analyse media and culture are suited to internet technology, or whether new approaches are required.

The main subjects of this course are political communication activities, election campaigns and positions of women, young, old people, workers and labors, trade unions, trade associations, federations, and confederations,non-governmental organizations. In addition to that the course will focus on effective propaganda techniques to be able to affect choice of voter by analyzing previous election campaign strategies of parties.

This course will investigate a range of media texts and discourses in order to understand the ways in which systems of representation are produced, circulated and interpreted by audiences. Focussing largely on visual media, the course will examine questions of knowledge, truth, power and pleasure in relation to representations of masculinity, femininity, sexuality, whiteness and racial ‘otherness’. The course will be organised around writings by major theorists including Stuart Hall, Edward Said, Laura Mulvey and Richard Dyer.

The objective of this course is to explain the strategic communication as a new discipline: How it developed and evolved? And give information about its relationship with marketing communication as well as with the strategic communication, advertising, public relations, political communication and social marketing campaigns.