Course content includes; Fermentation bioprocessing and characteristics, function and ecology of responsible microorganisms, fermentative activities, growth responses and culture interactions related to metabolism, physiology and genetics of bacteria and selected yeasts and molds. It also includes; current developments in starter culture technology and genetics; application to food and industrial fermentations.

The primary objective of this course is to teach the chemistry and engineering skills needed to solve challenges in the biomaterials. Biomaterials course will concentrate on fundamental principles in biomedical engineering, material science, and chemistry.Discussion of bulk properties, highlİght specific applications, and in vivo behavior of different classes of biomaterials.

This course is intended to offer the basic and relatively advanced skills in separation science, as frequently used by scientists in the fields of Biotechnology. Our presentation will start by simple introduction to bio separations, followed by a detailed study of techniques. The techniques will cover precipitation, centrifugation, and solvent extraction, from which the basic chromatographic theory will be developed, followed by membrane based bio separations. Other important separation processes will also be discussed.


Ecological principles, Ecosystems, Pollution and pollution control, Biodiversity, Population genetics and natural selection, Biodiversity and Evolution, Energy and nutrition relations, Population ecology, Interactions, Communities and ecosystems

This course will teach principles of wet lab for molecular biology, applying them to a particular cell models, and general molecular biology laboratory procedures and safety implications. Student will be introduced to PCR, gel electrophoresis, imaging, Western blotting and site-directed mutagenesis techniques.

Basics of  tissue culture techniques and cellular Bioengineering

The main objectives  of the course is to provide clear explanation of the basic princples that govern the physiological proceses of the human body and to show how these principles can be applied to the understanding of disease processes.

The course content includes:

What is physiology? The organisation of the body. Homeostasis

The chemical constitution of the body:  Body water, the osmotic pressure of the body fluids, tonicity of solutions and filtration.

Introducing Cells:  The structure and function of the cellular organelles,  Cell division

Introducing Cells:  Epithelia, Energy metabolism in cells

The transport functions of the plasma membrane: The permeability of cell membranes to ions and uncharged molecules The active transport of ions and other molecules across cell membranes

Principle of cell signaling: Cells use diffusible chemical signals for paracrine, endocrine, and synaptic signaling. Chemical signals are detected by specific receptor molecules