The course aims to teach the fundamental concept of designing reactive robot controllers using sensory perceptions of a mobile robot. In this course, the student will learn the basic sensory systems of a mobile robot such as Sonar sensor, Laser rangefinder, robot Odometry and Camera which are all mounted on the robot. The concept of the robot sensing, robot thinking (decision making) and robot action cycle will be also taught in order to design intelligent robot controller. Designing various low-level robot controllers such as obstacle avoidance, wall-following, goal-seeking controllers and also developing high-level controller to coordinate those low-level controllers are the main purpose of this course. In addition, robot learning using fuzzy logic controller and neural controller to develop reactive controllers will be also taught. Furthermore, novelty detection systems to detect abnormal sensory perceptions from the robot’s environment will be also learned during the course. Finally, a various quantitative analysis methods will be taught for analysis of robot behaviours in this course.