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Okçuluk branşının öğretilmesi, Öğretim basamaklamasının
değerlendirilmesi ve yarışma kurallarının incelenmesinden, tarihsel gelişimi,
Seçili bireysel sporunun tanımı, tarihçesi ve oyun kuralları ve malzeme
bilgisi, seçilmiş branşın temel öğretim modelleri, uygulama biçimleri, farklı oyun seviyeleri ve
bunlara yönelik öğretim basamakları ve kullanılan malzemeler ve tesis, yeni
başlayanlara yönelik oyun durumları, temel teknik ve taktik uygulamasının öğrenilmesi ve bunların
öğretilmesi, okullarda ve ilk öğrenenler
düzeyinde nasıl ele alınacağına ve antrenman ortamlarına nasıl uyarlanacağına
yönelik oyun ve uygulama etkinlikleri, diğer yönüyle kulüplerin alt yapısında
görevli çalıştırıcılar öğrenme-öğretme sürecindeki temel işleyiş hakkında
bilgilendirilme, branşa özgü yarışmaların organizasyonu ve programları
geliştirme, antrenman modelleri, hareket analizi, temel öğretimdeki hata
tespiti ve öğretim bilgisi/becerilerin öğretimi.
- Teacher: Mary Agoyi
This course is designed to deliver theoretical and practical knowledge on Physiological Signals and Instrumentation that are implemented to measure them in medical settings.
Working principles, advanced design principles and electronics of those devices are discussed in detail.
- Teacher: Pwadubashiyi PwavodI
This course gives you an introduction to modeling methods and simulation
tools for a wide range for wide application in the medical industry. The different
methodologies that will be taught in the course are applied to wide
range of topics. This course does not intend to go deeply into any
numerical method or process and does not provide any recipe for the
resolution of a particular problem, rather we will discuss physical models and all that is required for making a model and simulating the model. The assignments of this course will be made as practical as possible in
order to allow the students actually create from scratch small models that
will solve simple problems. Although programming will be used
extensively in this course we do not require any advanced programming
experience in order to complete it.
- Teacher: Misbahu Lawal
- Teacher: Pwadubashiyi PwavodI
The course will prepare the student to identify surgical instruments, distinguish
their category, know their use, and name them. This course will give emphasis
on the knowledge and recognition of medical instruments, as well as
instrumentation and how they will help physicians. The course will cover
topics, such as the identification of medical instruments, their categories,
use, and inspection. There will be emphasizes on testing their quality, how
they are set up, sealed, other instruments like the robotic and laser
instruments, endoscopes, other complex instruments, how they are regulated.
Learning outcomes
1. To identify basic surgical instruments by
category, name, and use;
2. To demonstrate the different methods used to
test and inspect various types of surgical instrumentation.
3. To describe the use of surgical
4. To understand how instrument quality
assurance testing are done.
5. To demonstrate the proper procedures for
assembling instruments/procedure trays.
6. To differentiate between various categories
of special instrumentation utilized in operating rooms.
7. To demonstrate inspection and testing of
endoscopic and robotic instrumentation and how to select the appropriate
packaging material for instrumentation sets and medical equipment.
8. To demonstrate how to check packaging materials
for defects, cleanliness, and function.
9. To demonstrate how to sets in peel pouches,
sterile wraps, and rigid pans are packed.