- Teacher: Anthony ENIAYEJUNI
This course is designed to introduce students to the discussions on the foreign policies of EU member states. It begins with the historical account of the origin and development of the EU. And then dwells on the theory of European integration from the classical to recent modern perspectives. Finally, the course ends with an in-depth analysis of the current EU member states’ foreign policies.
The aim of this course is to help students attain a strong grasp of the European economic integration process. The Single Market and the Eurozone system will be particularly examined. The issues discussed will also include political aspects of the European integration process.
- Teacher: Ozker Kocadal
policy as mediated by the relationship between the economic and social
dimensions of the Community and Union, and by the centrality of workers'
as compared to citizenship rights.
- Teacher: Ercan Gundogan
- Teacher: Turan Cavlan
The course deals with current European political values, struggles, ideologies and institutions and starts with the presentation of their historical evolution in a comparative perspective focusing on the mainstream traditions of great powers in the continent such as France, Britain, Germany and Russia and Scandinavian countries.
The overall aim of the course is for the students to attain basic knowledge of the EU legal system and its environment. The course is divided into two parts. The first part presents the historical background of the EU, its institutional organization, its legal sources and main principles. The second part gives a general understanding of the four freedoms and the enforcement of EU law vis-à-vis the Union, the Member States, and individuals. while considering current issues and limitations of the subject.