This course covers basic macroeconomic issues such as output, unemployment, monetary and fiscal policies. It also discusses some of the policy experiences of developed and underdeveloped economies.

Help the beginning student master the principles essential for understanding the economizing problem,specific economic issues and the policy alternatives.Help the student understand and apply the economic perspective and reason accurately and objectively about economic matters.Promote a lasting student interest in economics and the economy.

This course provides an intermediate-level treatment of macroeconomic topics, including the study of economic growth, business cycle fluctuations, unemployment, inflation, as well as open-economy macroeconomic issues such as trade imbalances and exchange rate policy. The application of economic tools to contemporary economic problems helps to develop as much as possible an evidence-based approach to macroeconomics.

Uluslararası  Ekonomi dersi uluslararası ticaret teorileri,ticaret politikaları ve dünyadaki ticari entegrasyonlar ile ilgili teorik ve pratik analizleri içermektedir.  Ticaretteorileri kronolojik gelişim boyutuyla ele alınmaktadır. Dünyada uygulananfarklı ticaret politikalarının bileşenleri ve ekonomik etkileri de derskapsamında ele alınmaktadır.Bunun yanında dünyanın farklı bölgelerinde farklı  gerçekleşen ekonomik entegrasyon modellri incelemektedir.

This is a course for Economics and Administrative Sciences students in the upper courses of the preparatory school. Its aim is to familiarize the students with some basic concepts and theories in economics and political science and to prepare them for their first classes in political economy. Topics covered include: the market system and how it works, taxes and the government budget, trade, sovereignty, the state and its organs, elections and political parties. Biographies of major thinkers like Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, J. J. Rousseau and J. S. Mill are also presented. The basic text used for the course is a series of dialogues covering economics and politics. The students are actively encouraged to speak up, to take notes as the instructor speaks and to make précis summaries of written material presented in class.

This is a course in English taught to prep school students as they prepare to enroll into university courses. Its aim is to help the transition from the prep school to university proper. This particular course is prepared with students of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences in mind. It introduces the students to some basic terminology in economics, business and politics like prices, costs, incomes, markets, trade, parliaments, elections and political parties. It also acquaints them with some of the theories of these disciplines in simple language and refers to some eminent theorists in the social sciences

Dersin amacı öğrencilere işletme kavramını ve çevresini öğretmek, işletmeyi organize edip nasıl yönetileceğini belirlemek ve küresel ekonomide işletmelerin önemini anlatmaktır.

Social Anthropology provides us with an comprehensive understanding of human diversity. This course will introduce students to the history, methods, and theories of the discipline, paying attention to the concept of culture as an analytical tool. Examining a variety of topics such as communication and language, marriage and family systems, psychology and culture, and religion, the student will gain a perspective on the human condition, on cultural differences as well as similarities, and on global social and cultural problems.

The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the most significant elements of social work including the concepts of human rights, marginalization, alienation, evidence-based intervention, policy practice and aspects of human diversity.