The topics included this course can be listed as Basic concepts in solution chemistry; Equilibrium chemistry; Ionization of weak acids and bases; Solubility product; Chemical equilibrium; Diprotic acids; Carbonate chemistry; Major ionic species in water; Alkalinity; Acidity; Hardness; Chlorine; Fluorine; Solids; Dissolved Oxygen; Biochemical Oxygen Demand.

Control of nutrients, classification of biological nutrient removal systems, design methods of single sludge systems. Removal of nitrogen by biological nitrification and denitrification. Applications of computer programs in wastewater treatment plant design. Computer programs used in Biological Nutrient Removal systems analysis. 

The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to identification and classification of hazardous waste, principles related to
minimization, prevention and treatment of hazardous wastes using physicochemical processes, solidification & stabilization technology, biological and thermal methods. Land storage and disposal will be discussed. An overview will be given about the management of special wastes such as: household hazardous waste, batteries, waste electrical & electronic equipment, used oil, end-of-life vehicles, scrap tires.

Intensive research in all areas of solid waste management. Waste stream analysis, including hazardous products and biomedical wastes. Waste reduction and mechanical separation. Waste recyling and resuse. Kitchen and yard waste composting. Novel design of landfills. Leachate and gas production and environmental impact assessment. Incineration, composting and anaerobic digestion. Alternative solid waste treatment and disposal methods and their place in the integrated solid waste management system.

Theory and application of adsorption theory. Applications in water and wastewater treatment for the removal of organic matters including humic substances, fats, proteins, pesticides, toxic and non biodegradable soluble organics. The course covers the adsorption equilibrium, kinetics, isotherms phenomenons. Design considerations for packed bed column and hybrid processes are included in the scope of this course.