Search results: 1822
- Teacher: Ali Tanrikul
In this course, a holistic approach is taken to the hardware of a building of which all structural elements are examined individually previously. The two production processes, which are on site and off site productions, in the construction industry are examined. The conventional way of constructing a building, site organization and management, production stages are covered by on site production. Off site production deals with the prefabricated building systems: prefabricated reinforced concrete panels, frame structures, timber panels and frame structures, steel structures. The target of this course is to enable the students to gain knowledge on the modularization and standardization as well as the work flows in the building production processes and mass productions. Subjects are examined in terms of architectural design principles.
- Teacher: Ali Tanrikul
This course is designed for interior design students to give them knowledge on professional approach to interior design of domestic and public spaces based on the following characteristics of space designed: geometric, functional, structural and visual properties of interior architectural space, furniture and equipment layouts approach, access and circulation, finishing materials with their color, pattern and texture, structural solutions in interior spaces. Comprehensive consideration of interior details with the emphasis on structural solutions, feasibility, and materials used. Interior design students are expected to deal with detailing and implementation of principles for wooden door and window frames, floor finishing, ceiling and interior/exterior wall claddings, and partition system besides the detailing of interior finish systems, such as finish materials, window treatments, light fixture and furniture.
Bu ders, iç mimarlık öğrencilerine, tasarlanan mekanın aşağıdaki özelliklerine dayalı olarak ev ve kamusal alanların iç tasarımına profesyonel yaklaşım hakkında bilgi vermek için tasarlanmıştır: iç mimari mekanın geometrik, işlevsel, yapısal ve görsel özellikleri, mobilya ve ekipman yerleşimleri yaklaşımı , erişim ve sirkülasyon, renk, desen ve dokusu ile bitirme malzemeleri, iç mekanlarda yapısal çözümler. Yapısal çözümler, fizibilite ve kullanılan malzemeler üzerinde durularak iç detayların kapsamlı bir şekilde değerlendirilmesi. İç tasarım öğrencilerinin ahşap kapı ve pencere çerçeveleri, zemin kaplamaları, tavan ve iç/dış duvar kaplamaları ve bölme sistemi ile ilgili ilkelerin detaylandırılması ve uygulanmasının yanı sıra, bitiş malzemeleri, pencere uygulamaları gibi iç bitiş sistemlerinin detaylandırılması ile ilgilenmeleri beklenmektedir. aydınlatma armatürü ve mobilya.
- Teacher: Ali Tanrikul
The aim of the course is to help the students to gain ability of free hand with various types of rendering techniques during in communication with the client. The designer easily transfers the design idea to the client by the help of these techniques. For this reason the importance of capability of drawing by free hand and rendering with different techniques are crucial for designers. The students who will complete this course will learn watercolour, coloured pencil, marker and their combined applications for earlier stages of communication with the client. Throughout the semester the students will apply these techniques to their works by completing many exercises.
- Teacher: Nihan Yusufoglu
The course intends to introduce the students the aim and purpose of preparing portfolio and CV for the professional life and methods of preparing documents required. To comprehend the necessity of methods and types of communication with the aid of drawings and specifications in professional life are the essential of the course. On the other hand to be able to facilitate the presentation techniques to compile the projects is part of the aim of the course. In relation with that, students given the knowledge in order to think innovative in order to comprehend application methods for designs and present them in original way.
- Teacher: Ahmet Saymanlier
- Teacher: Meray Talug
Course deals with theoretical models of different approaches to human spatial behaviour through examination how people learn, remember and navigate their environments. Understanding the psychology of spatial decision-making, and how cognitive maps and geographic common sense are different individually are studied through Gestalt model of thinking, perceptive, cognitive approaches to design. Patterns of spatial behaviour, spatial territory, concepts of crowding and privacy, experience, adjustment and adaptation process are also the subjects to be discussed.
- Teacher: Burcu Esentepe
Conceptual definitions and terminologies for understanding the theory of conservation. Historical approaches towards developing the theory of conservation. Basic concepts in architectural field. Types of cultural and historic heritage; architectural buildings, archaeological sites, historic area (historic urban quarter and village core). Contemporary international regulations; accepted principles, charters and declarations. The importance of recording and documentation. Conservation and the unity of style; destruction for the sake of restoration and the anti-restoration theory. Analytical approach towards the structures and the original materials. Authenticity, changing criteria and concept of authenticity in architectural conservation; adaptive re-use of the traditional buildings with emphasis on predetermined revitalization approaches. Conservation, revitalization and design in historic environment (urban conservation). Encouragement of public participation. Course complies with ARCH 532 Theory of Conservation.
- Teacher: Zehra Alpler