Search results: 1822
This course will introduce the organizations that provide OSH services on a global scale and to explain the services they provide. Among these organizations are the institutions that set the standards of the rules in OHS (eg OSHA -EU) and official organizations that contribute to the development of occupational health and safety issues by developing international contracts, conventions and limits, and keep statistics of accidents and occupational diseases (for example ILO, WHO) and the official organizations of various countries such as HSE) and organizations that conduct audits and develop auditing rules (eg ISSA, IALI) and the organization that conducts examinations and certifications. (eg IOSH) There are several private organizations and their superiors that certify qualification for occupational health and safety management systems
İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği
alanındaki iletişim konularını incelemek ve değerlendirmek.
Tüketici davranışları dersi tüketici davranışı kavramının tanımı ve
kapsamında yer alan temel kavramları, tüketici davranışlarının
genişleyen kapsamı ve tüketici davranışı modelini, algılama
kavramını ve süreçlerini, öğrenme ve hafızayı, motivasyon (güdü) kavramını, tutumu, benlik kavramını ve kişilik kavramına ele alır.
Bu kursu başarıyla tamamladıktan sonra, öğrenciler şunları yapabilecektir:
1.İş sürecindeki etiği anlamak
2.Karar verme sürecinde etiğin rollerini açıklamak
3. Etiğin temel kaynaklarını ve temel boyutlarını belirlemek
4.İlgili konuları ve kavramları pratik vakaların/faaliyetlerin üzerinden anlamak.
This course serves as an introduction to the basic component of information systems, hardware, software, data, people and networks. Topics covered includes computer networks and communications, systems and application software, computer hardware and its operation, the internet and the world wide web, algorithms, pseudocodes and flowchart. After the completion of the course, students will be able to differentiate between various operating systems and application programs. They will be able to identify computer tools that can be used to assist with various common computer applications. They will also gain the fundamental understanding of the history and operation of computers, programming, and web design.
- Teacher: Mary Agoyi
- Teacher: Oluwajana Dokun
- Teacher: Abdillahi Sheikmusa
The course will introduce basic and fundamental programming constructs and techniques through using the C++ programming language in order to generate algorithmic solutions to problems. Upon completion of the course, students will learn an introduction to algorithms, solving problems by flowcharts and pseudo codes, header files, data types, arithmetic & logic operators, control statements (if, if/else, switch-case) and use them as inner statements, loop statements (while, do/while, for), functions, standard functions of programming language, random number generation and their area of use, user-defined functions, global and local variables, recursion, arrays, searching algorithms on arrays, sorting algorithms on arrays, pointers, pointer operators, using pointers with arrays and functions. In the laboratory hours, students are writing full programs or modifying existing programs for other solutions.
- Teacher: Olanrewaju Adekoya
- Teacher: Yasemin Bay
- Teacher: Tolgay Karanfiller
- Teacher: Masoud Moradi
- Teacher: Andre Sena