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This course guides the students towards achieving meaningful results that support specific marketing initiatives as well as the overall company objectives. It also informs and aligns the company so that all customer-facing teams are in sync. students can ensure that activities are aligned with the broader goals by linking programs and campaigns to the marketing strategy. Many marketing teams will set the programs and campaigns to focus on over an upcoming six-month period or even annually. Others may do their planning quarterly at time intervals that line up with the organization's business cycles. What matters is that you begin the process early enough so there is ample time to tackle every aspect of planning.
- Teacher: Figen YeSIlada
MRKN551 kodlu ders yeni bir ders olduğu için moodle'da bulunmamaktadır. Dersin eklenmesini rica ediyorum.
- Teacher: Ahmad Aljarah
main purpose of this course is to provide the prospective marketing manager
with an understanding of marketing research in an advanced level. Advanced
methods of marketing research have been specially compiled for graduate
students on marketing management and business administration programs. This course
provides the sophisticated marketing research techniques found in the
discipline in a basic way. The contributors focus on the history of methods,
descriptions of their assumptions and content, and examples. The main themes of
the course include marketing research design, data collection, data preparation
and data analysis. The students will find advanced methods of marketing
research an essential update of their knowledge of classical procedures which
will be helpful to conduct their project or thesis.
- Teacher: Iman Aghaei
This course introduces key principles of digital marketing, focusing on strategy, consumer behavior, and emerging technologies. Based on Digital Marketing (8th Edition) by Dave Chaffey and Fiona Ellis-Chadwick, it explores digital channels, branding, data-driven decision-making, and ethical considerations. Students will learn to develop effective digital marketing strategies through case studies and practical applications.
- Teacher: Ahmad Aljarah
This course explores the principles and strategies of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), emphasizing the coordination of advertising, promotion, and digital marketing efforts. Based on Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications (9th Edition) by Clow & Baack, it covers IMC foundations, brand management, consumer behavior, and campaign planning. Students will learn to develop and execute advertising strategies, leverage traditional and digital media channels, and implement promotional tools such as public relations, sales promotions, and sponsorships. The course also examines ethical considerations, regulatory frameworks, and methods for evaluating IMC effectiveness.
- Teacher: Ahmad Aljarah
The purpose of the course is to combine the theories of strategic marketing management and international applications through the business environment. The topics included throughout the course examine marketing environment, marketing strategies, marketing mix elements in a global context. Students explore all aspects of marketing from a global perspective to better respond to international opportunities and competitive situations. The specific areas of study will have topics to include an overview of international marketing; social, cultural, political, and legal environments; international market-entry opportunities; planning and managing market entry strategies and products; global distribution and pricing; international promotion, sales, and negotiation; and international market planning.
- Teacher: Figen YeSIlada
This course provides an in-depth understanding of advertising as a key component of the marketing communication mix. It explores advertising strategies, media planning, consumer behavior, message design, digital advertising, and ethical considerations. The course blends theory with practical applications, case studies, and industry examples to develop students’ skills in creating and evaluating advertising campaigns.
- Teacher: Ahmad Aljarah
Maliyet muhasebesi, üretilen mal (mamul) veya hizmetlerin maliyetini oluşturan maliyet türlerinin,
oluştuğu yerler ve ilgili oldukları mamul ya da hizmet cinsleri bakımından belirlenmesi ve izlenmesine
olanak sağlayan bir hesap ve kayıt sistemidir. Dersin amacı, işletmelerde üretim maliyetlerinin oluşumu ve tespiti konusunda bilgi vermektir. İşletme amaç ve hedeflerinin belirlenmesinde, belirlenen amaç ve hedeflere ulaşılmasında sorumluluk üstlenmiş kişilerin alacakları kararlarda gereksinim duyacakları bilgiler arasında yer alan muhasebe sistemlerinden özellikle üretim sürecini betimleyen "intern muhasebe" olarak maliyet muhasebesinin temel kavramlarını, üretim girdilerini, maliyet sistemleri ve birim maliyet belirleme yöntem ve tekniklerini teorik ve uygulamalı olarak öğrencilere aktarmaktır. Dersin hedefleri, öğrencilerin, mamul maliyetlerini hesaplanması, sipariş ve safha maliyet sistemlerini anlayabilmesi, endirekt maliyetlerin maliyet taşıyıcılarına dağıtılması konularını öğretmeyi sağlamaktır.
The objective of this course is to provide the student with an overview of significant needs of individual seniors and the senior population in general by using concepts from psychology, sociology, pathology, neurology and pharmacology. Students learn how the aging process is related to race, sexuality, work, family life, religion, politics and other cultural concepts. Students will participate in diagnosing and managing acute and chronic medical conditions specific to the geriatric population, and recognizing polypharmacy. Students learn methods to assess seniors' conditions and assist them in increasing overall health and preventing injuries; how to structure cardio and resistance training programs, ensure nutrition, continue cognitive development and maintain dental health. Recognizing and preventing elder abuse are also covered.
This program Presents concepts and skills that lay a foundation for entry into the nursing profession. Provides opportunities to attain the knowledge and skills that are necessary to promote health, prevent disease, and deliver basic nursing care to individual patients across the lifespan.
- Teacher: Joy Agbo
- Teacher: Gift Christopher
- Teacher: Rasiha Gözenkan
This course, using both lecture and clinical/laboratory practice, will further the students’ understanding of developing the skills required to provide patient-centered care in surgical nursing. Students will participate in pre-operative and post-operative patient care, outpatient evaluation of surgical candidates, surgical inpatient management, and documentation specific to surgical patients. Students will be exposed to common surgical procedures and the description, indications, contraindications, and complications of each. Students will also participate in interpreting diagnostic tests utilized in the general surgical environment and in understanding operating room protocol.
- Teacher: Christina Dennis
The clinical component further prepares students in understanding and developing the nurse’s roles and responsibilities; management and evaluation of physical, emotional, socio-cultural and educational needs.
- Teacher: Gift Christopher
- Teacher: Christina Dennis
- Teacher: Serap Korkmaz
- Teacher: Ufuk Kaya