Search results: 1822
This course is designed to explain the basic concepts of food control and legislation. the course also includes; Food regulations and practices, legal regulations on food safety and its effects on health, structure of Turkish food legislation,implementation of food legislation, additives in food legislation, food hygiene, control traces, packaging, taking sample samples, analysis methods, Students who take this course will be able to comprehend and explain the importance of food control and legislation, legal regulations and practices related to food, factors that impair food safety.
The aim of this course is to develop knowledge
and skill levels in theoretical and practical applications in
Enteral-Parenteral Nutrition. It is also to emphasize the importance of
teamwork and the role of the dietitian in the team in enteral-parenteral
nutrition practices in the clinic. It covers the nutrition methods applied in
patients who cannot be fed orally, the selection of enteral or parenteral
products by calculating the energy and nutrients of enteral or parenterally fed
patients, and the planning of nutritional treatments.
Within the scope of the module meal types, principles of meal planning, principles of meal planning for different ages and groups, meal supervision and management will be covered.
This course includes the introduction of eating disorders, excessive weakness and low eating, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, night eating syndrome and others, emotional eating behaviours, dietary restraint and controlled eating, medical nutrition therapy in eating disorders , obesity , children, men and athletes have other special needs issues related to these diseases. Discussion and question and answer courses are taught about how to approach these types of people psychologically. Students are taught interactive and indepth reports on domestic and foreign publications about eating disorders, causes of eating disorders, complications of eating disorders to medical nutrition and eating disorders, and reporting these publications.
- Teacher: Didem Kanisoy
The purpose of the Institution and Hospital Internship practice is to enable dietician candidate students to see cases related to the diseases they have learned especially in 3rd grade vocational courses and to accompany the clinical dietician in medical nutrition treatment. Applications are carried out in the form of programmed rotations in all adult and child clinics, and each student is given a case report to the internship responsible for the internship and to the advisors if necessary. In addition, it is ensured that the health institutions and organizations that the students apply under the internship, prepare a comprehensive report covering all the medical and administrative units of the hospitals, the functions and practices of the hospitals, the steps they will follow in order to gain practical knowledge and skills during the semester and the ways in which the internship institutions work.
- Teacher: Cangul Arnavut
- Teacher: Ayse Okan
Within the scope of the seminar preparation course, the students will be able to prepare and discuss in front of the group, to discuss, discuss, discuss and develop communication skills in accordance with the scientific research methods and to prepare a study that will contribute to the current and educational process related to a topic or thesis topics. The aim of this study is to conduct research on any subject related to the field and to improve the ability to present the subject. Current topics related to food, nutrition and dietetics are investigated and selected among the subjects with the instructor of the seminar, and their competencies are increased by reviewing the literature about the subject within the framework of report preparation techniques under the supervision of a seminar consultant.
- Teacher: Cangul Arnavut
- Teacher: Ayse Okan
Within the scope of graduation work; In this course, researches are carried out on individual topics related to food, nutrition and dietetics. This course includes the following processes; under the supervision of the thesis supervisor, conducting necessary research and evaluations, planning the stages of the thesis study, literature research related to the subject, evaluating and creating results related to the subject, forming a discussion section on the subject, creation of a summary part describing all thesis work, reference of those used among the scanned literature, delivery of the full report to the advisory instructor and faculty in the case of a CD with the full report, it also includes the processes of presentation if required.
- Teacher: Cangul Arnavut
- Teacher: Ayse Okan
This course is to teach nutrient and nutrient interactions with the drug groups used in the clinic and to provide planning for nurse-specific medical nutrition therapy according to medical medication. In this course; pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, mechanisms of interaction of drugs with foods, bioactive components in foods, foods that accelerate or slow the activity of the drug, and adverse effects. At the end of this course students will learn which foods or groups of foods can be effective with which drugs. Learn about nutrients and nutrients that affect the absorption and bioavailability of some drug groups. Learn about the side effects of drugs related to nutrition and use them in diet applications, knowledge and skill about interaction with foods can be used to prepare diet.
- Teacher: Seliz Bagcilar
Students in this course; the definition of functional foods, learn about composition and types. functional foods gain information about health interaction. will have information about the development process of functional foods, teaching the definition of functional foods, components of functional foods and will have detailed information on functional foods, methods of production of functional food and functional food with health-related functions, methods of health-related functions of functional foods, the level of consumption of functional foods and bioactive teaching of components, to ensure that they have comprehensive knowledge about bioactive compounds, also Probiotics and Health, prebiotics and health, plant sterols, stanols and health, Polyphenols and Health I, phenolic acids, Polyphenols and Health II, Flavonoids: Catechins, Anthocyanidins, Phytoestrogens and Health, Carotenoids and Health, fatty acids (n-3 Polyunsaturated fatty Acids, Functional Foods: Dietitian will be carried out as the teaching of Commitments.
- Teacher: Ayse Okan
According to ILO, nearly 3 millipns of employees are dying due occupational accidents and occupational diseases. In order to prevent workers from workplace accidents and diseaases, we need to apply the occupational safety and health rules.
This course will be helpful to understand Occupational Safety and Health, workplace hazards and risks in general.
Meanwhile, specific hazards and risks of dentistry is necessary for dentists.
The course will give us necessary knowledge to stay safe in Dental workplaces
Dünyada ve Türkiye’de çocuk edebiyatının gelişimi; çocukluk evresinde, nitelikli çocuk kitaplarıyla
tanışmanın önemi ve okuma kültürü edinmiş düşünen, duyarlı bireylerin yetiştirilmesinde çocuk
edebiyatı eserlerinin işlevi; çocuk edebiyatı yapıtlarında bulunması gereken özelliklerin (tasarım,
içerik ve eğitsel) örneklerle incelenmesi; niteliksiz çocuk kitaplarının örneklerle gösterilmesi ve
bunların çocukların gelişim özellikleri üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerinin tartışılması; öğretmen adaylarının, okuduğu-incelediği kitapların yaş gruplarına göre çocuklara uygunluğunun ve bunların
çocukların hangi gelişimlerine katkı sağlayacağının belirlenmesine yönelik çalışmalar; çocuklara
seslenen çeşitli edebi yazınsal türlerin (destan, masal, şiir, öykü, roman, vb.) ve dilsel gereçlerin
(sayışmaca, tekerleme, bilmece vb.) çocukların gelişimlerine olan katkılarının belirlenmesi.
Öğretim materyalleri hazırlar. Hazırlanan materyalleri objektif biçimde değerlendirebilir. Okul öncesi eğitimde kullanılan geleneksel öğretim yöntem ve tekniklerini öğrenir.
- Teacher: Belgin Parlakyildiz